By Luis Ernesto Gómez Pesantes (Ecuador)
I did this internship in the Kiwi Pecuaria farm which produces approximately 18,000 liters of milk daily and needs to establish protocols for all the operational activities it implements. Therefore, the farm has adopted several protocols from New Zealander farms. Likewise, the farm is replicating genetic lines used in New Zealand by crossing Holstein and Jersey breeds. This cross results in the Kiwi Cross breed which, to a certain degree, adapts to the region’s climate.
Likewise, protocols are applied in nutritional management during each physiological stage of the animals, attention for calving with complications, veterinarian treatments, and milking equipment and general machinery maintenance.
Among my responsibilities there is assisting the farm’s veterinarian in diagnosing and treating problems that animals suffer. Also, growing replacement heifers is important in dairy farms because these animals are potential producers. I have been involved in several activities in this area such as: calving assistance, feeding, dehorning, and other veterinary treatments.
This internship has allowed me to meet and relate with the people who work at the farm, learn about management techniques used in daily situations, and apply —not only knowledge— but also the skills and virtues I have acquired in Zamorano regarding perseverance and fortitude during daily work.