Thanks to funding from the Institute of Technology for Health Care (ITHC),several projects regarding nutrition, the publication of research articles, participation in international conferences, an online course on diabetes, as well as an online course in nutritional surveillance were afforded to Zamorano.
Through the Human Nutrition Laboratory of the Food and Science Technology Department, Zamorano acknowledged the technical and financial support received during 2020 from the Institute of Technology for Health Care. This support allowed the university to develop multiple nutrition and food care projects and research which will positively impact populations of the region. Also, the support strengthened student and the student life instructor´s knowledge.
Dr. Jeffrey Lansdale, past President 2014-2020, mentioned “there is an increasing awareness in Honduras of the importance of good nutrition as a key ingredient to community and national development. During a graduation ceremony of a group of technicians trained by Zamorano´s faculty, Honduras’ First Lady (Ana Hernández), addressed the audience and emphasized her role and leadership towards change in Honduran culture and an appreciation for improved diets and nutrition. The Institute has been fundamental in promoting this change in Honduras in collaboration with Zamorano”, she added.
One of the implemented programs was training of Zamorano´s student life instructors on “Sustainability and Nutrition”. During this training conducted on campus, nutrition within food groups, portion sizes and nutritional label reading, were addressed among other topics. As a contribution to a healthy lifestyle, 10 scales SECA 803 were donated as well as flexible height meters to allow for periodic monitoring of the health condition of all students.
In addition, in terms of scientific dissemination, three research articles were published with the support of ITHC in magazines with high international impact including: Food and Nutrition Sciences, Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, Environmental Research and Public Health, and two more still in revision revision in Maternal & Child Nutrition and Appetite magazine. Data collection for each study was initiated in 2018 and 2019 and offers advances on nutrition themes, which contribute to the health and nutrition of the Honduran population.
Also, students from the Food Science and Technology Department had the opportunity to attend conferences in technology, food security and worldwide nutritional trends and challenges. They participated in events where they shared with experts such topics as: Conference and exhibition of Food and Nutrition 2020, FINUT 2020, SHIFT 2020 and “Zamorano Investiga” 2020.
ITHC is a non-profit organization which supports research and projects to apply new technologies to the ones already in place to address nutrition and health issues. Zamorano is grateful for the support that he Institute has offered to contribute to projects of transcendental importance for the region´s health and nutrition, as well as for supporting research in future Latin American and Caribbean professionals.
You can read the articles in the following links:
Food and Nutrition Sciences (
Acta Scientific Nutriotinal Health
Enviromental Research and Public Health (